Meet the Founders

Thomas and Massah Siafa

Thomas F. Siafa moved to the United States from Liberia, West Africa on June 10th, 1989 as a Liberian Government Scholarship Student to further his education in the area of Procurement and Materials Management and later, changed into Criminal Justices. Thomas is married with four children and eight grandchildren.  Thomas’ native land, Liberia was plunged into a bloody Civil War six months after he left the country. That war lasted for fourteen (14) years and it took approximately 250,000 lives including his father and since then, his mother has been missing. During the Liberian Civil War, Thomas scholarship was terminated and he became homeless for a year and five months stayed at the homeless shelter called “the House of the People” in Dayton, Ohio. With his strong faith and hope in the Lord Jesus Christ, even though Thomas and his family, wife, Massah Siafa and Three (3) children were separated for three (3) years without communication neither by phone or mail, they were able to joined him in the United States in 1992 when they were located by the American Red Cross.  During the storm of Thomas’ struggle, God called him into ministry at which time he could not believe. After realizing the grave need, and considering the traumas and stress of his own family during the Civil War, Thomas began searching for a way to help. In July of 2000, after eleven years of fervent prayers, Thomas felt spiritually led to start a ministry in obedience with the scriptures, James 1:27 and Matt. 28:19–20 which is called today, Heart for Africa Ministries, Inc. Since 2000, Thomas Siafa has been in part-time ministry leading mission trips to Africa helping pastors, orphans, building projects, and hosting revivals, while working full-time at the Dayton Metropolitan Housing Authority, now known as Greater Dayton Premier Management, in Dayton, Ohio.

Rev. Thomas F. Siafa, Sr. was ordained on October 27, 2016 after his completion of the Church of God Anderson, Indiana three years Leadership Focus Training Program. If God willing, Rev. Thomas and his wife Massah, are planning to permanently return to Liberia in the near future as missionaries to be in full-time ministry with Liberia Ministries of the New Vision Church of God, affiliating with the Church of God, Reformation Movement, Anderson, Indiana.

All those who have received Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior are called, which is a unique calling. No one has your calling but you. It’s unique to you. It’s like the words that Mordecai said to Esther who was uncertain about how she might help her people. Have you ever considered that you have been called to a purpose for a time such as this? Esther 4:14-17

Proverbs 20:5-6 said, “A plan in the heart of a man is like deep water, but a man of understanding draws it out. 6 Many will say they are loyal friends, but who can find one who is truly reliable?” You are supposed to find your purpose. By seeking God with all your heart, soul and mind, you will draw out the customized purpose He has for you, and you can start living a life of meaning, filled with contentment knowing that the Lord has given it to you.